Carbon-neutral website and email hosting

Hosting refers to the physical computer where your website and email live. We offer high-quality hosting for your website and email at a great price, starting from just £200 +VAT per year including one domain name and SSL (a secure certificate). We manage over a hundred websites for our satisfied clients and host our sites in the UK for better placement in search results.

We offer a wide range of packages, all with fantastic features. For more information about our hosting plans, contact us.



Tree Nation's CO2 neutral symbolAll our hosting packages have the following features:

  • Includes one domain registration
  • SSL (a secure certificate)
  • Up to five email accounts
  • Up to five databases
  • Webmail access
  • Google Analytics configuration
  • No setup or transfer fees
  • Carbon-neutral - we offset the equivalent carbon emissions (more info)
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee

Uptime guarantee

If your site is available for less than 99.9% of the time in any given month, contact us within 21 business days and we'll credit you a month's hosting fees. The 99.9% figure doesn't include scheduled maintenance such as software patching, which we will notify you about in advance. 

For 2023 overall we achieved 99.96% uptime including scheduled maintenance, which is about four hours of total downtime over 12 months. This is about average: for 2019 to 2023 as a whole, we achieved 99.95% uptime including scheduled maintenance.



Google requires all websites to run over a secure connection, HTTPS. If your site doesn't use this technology, your site will be placed further down the search results. 


Acceptable use

In order to effectively transmit email, we do not permit spam of any kind to be sent by our servers. We have stringent anti-spam protections in place which are continuously monitored, and any customers found to be sending spam will have their hosting terminated immediately. 

We do not permit the hosting of any form of illegal activities, hate speech, political content or pornography. We also do not permit websites to process or store payment card details - all processing must take place on a payment provider's website.  

"I can get hosting cheaper elsewhere"

We've had bad experiences with a number of cheap hosting companies - do these sound familiar?

One very cheap UK host offered 'unlimited bandwidth' then, a few months later, told us we were using more than our fair share of the server when we were only using 3Gb of bandwidth a month!

The value offered by a Russian hosting company looked fantastic until their servers were compromised by hackers who stole customer account details and brought down their websites for several days.

Our current platform is more expensive but offers a fantastic, reliable service. There's no point in having a website if no one can see it...


Can you host my WordPress site?

Sorry, no. We used to host WordPress sites but found that they attracted so many hackers that we spent all our time fending them off. We'd be happy to discuss alternatives to WordPress.

Nice things people have said about us

"I honestly don't think Iteracy could have made the process any easier for me."

Jess Birmingham, Acupuncture Cornwall