Our work

Here are some sites we've worked on recently, to see more choose a category or get in touch.

Pauntley Court

Pauntley Court is a truly beautiful wedding venue in Gloucs dating back to the 14th century.
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British Tapestry Group

The British Tapestry promotes and explores woven tapestry as a contemporary art form.
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Friends of Luxulyan Valley

The Friends of Luxulyan Valley manage the conservation of the beautiful Luxulyan Valley, one of Cornwall's true hidden treasures.
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Penwith Landscape Partnership

We've always loved the Penwith area in the far west of Cornwall, its unique flora and rugged geography are very different to the rest of the county.
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Tony Foster

Tony Foster is an internationally famous watercolour artist based in Cornwall.
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Nice things people have said about us

"Iteracy bring to web developments not only highly creative designs and solutions but solid technical expertise."

Matty Smith and Lin Squires, Weavers Bazaar