Our work

Here are some sites we've worked on recently, to see more choose a category or get in touch.

Nurture & Thrive

We don't just do web design! Lorna Wayth asked for our help starting her new business offering coaching, counselling and mentoring.
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Juicy Crones

We built this fun mini-site for writer Jan Courtney who is spearheading a campaign to help courageous older women reclaim their lives for adventure, activism and creativity.
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John Scott CBE

Having been "never very academic at school", John Scott has gone on to have a distinguished career as a sociologist, including being awarded a CBE in 2013 for Services to Social Science.
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Helen Doe

Helen Doe is a historian, author and lecturer, writing on topics from maritime history to RAF history.
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Nice things people have said about us

"Their dealings with us have been accommodating to our requirements as well as offering suggestions and improvements along the way."

Lynda Quee, Cornwall NHS Health Promotion Service